26 April 2012

i forget lots of things

I am the queen of awkward moments. I swear every situation I am in becomes awkward just because I am in it. For example, yesterday I was working and I ended up having to vacuum off an old man's back/almost his butt. Yeah. I don't even know.

Family dinner at the Paine house:

Dad: "Erica you should do something [in college] that doesn't have very many girls"
Erica: "But dad everything that only has 3 girls in it I don't want to do."
Dad: "But there's lots of great things like..."
Erica's Head: "wait for it, wait for it...."
Erica's Head & Dad: "Engineering, you'd be great at it."
Erica: "knew you were going to say that. actually I really like sanding tables. Like furniture building."
Mom: "You can build me a desk. There's one I want from Pottery Barn"
Dad: "You can do industrial design!" [runs off and goes to look it up on the computer]
Rebekah (my little sister): "I like chicken!"


I forgot that I'm too short for my feet to touch the floor when I sit at the kitchen table.

I also forget that my little sisters like to torment me by scaring me.

So after dinner we're sitting at the table still and my little sister disappears. I then feel the awful sensation of tickling on my feet. BAD IDEA. Tickling is the worst! And I am so ticklish! Especially on the feet! And I can't even put them on the ground so she can't tickle them anymore! Short problems.

And then my little sisters like to sneak around corners and jump out at me and make scary faces just to hear me scream. I'm tormented. It's a hard life, I know. 

Later my little sister tries to get me to let her borrow my shoes. She tells me that she won't scare me the whole time I am home if I let her borrow my shoes. hahaha.

#1 problem of being home: I don't have anyone to share clothes with (my mom is a lot taller than me and my little sisters are 11 and 9 so...). But then I discovered little brothers' plaid shirts! Perfect!

I forgot why humidity is not great. These past couple days I have had a halo of frizzy curls all around my head. And they're not even cute! I don't think I had curls once in Utah!

I also forgot about Tennessee storms. Man I sure missed them. Here we have real thunderstorms. Hail and pouring rain. Lightening and thunder. They're great!

Today I was asked to come in and help do hair and makeup for young women's. So I was at church and we were told there was a tornado that had touched down (that means one hit the ground) at a park nearby and so we had to cram in the church bathroom with at least 30 other people. Fun fun fun! 
Gotta love Tennessee. It's actually quite scary. This is what happened because of the tornado today:

when we were driving home from church the tornado sirens went off again and my mom said, "of course there was a tornado. I feel dumb because I was like 'look at the clouds they're so pretty' and then they turned out to be tornado" 
This then proceeded to become a conversation where we all talked in our chinese accents and made fun of tornados and said things like (imagine chinese accents)
"oh look at those pretty clouds turning and twisting in the air"
"oh look cows can fly here"
"oh and pigs too"
"and houses! where can I get one of those?"
"look mom! we're flying with the birds"
"see kids this is why we wear helmets in the car"

just a typical day at home. that's all.

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