06 September 2012

i think i'll go to Boston

I realized that I never told you guys about my trip to Connecticut and Boston that my family took in June. We drove 17 hours to Connecticut for my cousin Zach's graduation. It was really hot, but it was super fun!

my little brothers were thrilled, can't you tell?

Zach giving his speech

after the graduation, we did a lot of fun stuff! 

we stayed at my Aunt and Uncle's house with probably 30 other people. They have an awesome swing. I only could go from the level above where my sisters are in the pic below. It was scary.

we also went cliff jumping! there's an old rock query that has been filled with water by their house and it's beautiful! It might also be private property and we had to make sure the police car that hangs out there almost everyday wasn't there before we jumped, but those are just itsy bitsy minor details. 

we do stupid things when we're together. but it's fun!

We went and saw Brave at the movies, and it was fantastic!

The last day there, we drove 2 hours to Boston.

we're pretty cool huh?

and then as we were driving away, my cousin mooned us. yep, mooned us. 

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