01 December 2014


the days are winding down and the weather outside is getting as cold as the notion of leaving this place. my heart is so overwhelmed with gratitude for my favorite city, and to try and put a dent in that gratitude, here are eighty-eight forget me nots for the eighty-eight days i was/will be in paris.

1// walking to the metro with your friends after a night at the eiffel tower (best feels ever)
2// orangina and grapefruit and apple schweppes = LIFE BLOOD
3// bueno bars
4// reading books on the metro
5// the lady singing "i dreamed a dream" in the jewish quarter
6// our crêpe guy
7// sharing food
8// txt abbreviations. luv u. thx.
9// finger sweaters
10// mini sailboats
11// flower-shaped gelato
12// the hats
13// talking about christmas traditions
14// beaux arts cards
15// classical sculpture
16// exchanging date horror stories
17// kashmir house
18// the ysa dance where everyone was afraid of us americans
19// my buddies
20// ça va
21// d'accord
22// talking in accents
23// j'aime beaucoup beaucoup fatigue
24// our only group picture
25// when bernie asks a question and all your friends whisper the answer to you
26// blue doors
27// impromptu photo shoots
28// "red eye" by vance joy
29// angels in paris (phone guy/shop girl)
30// yarn stores
31// self timers
32// haribo
33// sitting in shakespeare and company
34// trains that take you to different countries
35// sis. lebras inviting us to her house every single day
36// watching pearl harbor with the girls (i think rory was there too...)
37// christmas music baking dance party
38// macarons
39// "on va manger les filles"
40// finding important things to talk about (the opposite of loneliness)
41// seeing heaven at the sacre coeur
42// the soccer street performer at montmartre
43// the russian ballet
44// taylor swift
45// dance parties on the champs at the christmas market
46// dance parties everywhere really
47// big slides
48// the eiffel tower
49// the times with wifi
50// the times without wifi
51// hot chocolate
52// waiters recognizing you in paris
53// chasing chocolat out of our room
54// fleas
55// late night roommate walks
56// dementors on the tgv
57// m. lebras' jokes in class (aka him making fun of us)
58// friendsgiving/ fakesgiving/ francegiving
59// metro vending machines
60// the best baguette at the shop on our corner
61// bhv bathrooms
62// bhv craft floor
63// wandering through anthropologie
64// skyping/ chatting every night with lex
65// "is this a video?"
66// the music coming from the bottom floor of the building on the way to the metro
67// walking arm in arm with kayla on the way to the metro
68// starbucks
69// christmas markets
70// our cat's instagram
71// vivre la revolution!
72// chicken meatballs
73// sitting in the louvre, writing in my journal
74// asians taking my picture
75// oysho
76// the carrefour
77// pop-culture and classical art snapchats
78// picnics by the eiffel tower
80// the french flag in our bedroom
81// applesauce and mini cheese wheels
82// free water and free bathrooms
83// fhe
84// people thinking i'm dutch or swedish ALL OF THE TIME
85// the hanging toilet flusher
86// french youths (st. malo)
87// sitting outside hôtel de ville
88// everyone yelling your name everytime they see a cat= true love

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