09 June 2012

Florida {Part 1}: Alabama and copper possums

Howdy Ya'll!

I'm back from FLORIDA and quite frankly wish I was still there. Oh the beach....

Sorry, daydreaming again. But seriously, a super fun and relaxing trip resulting in me getting super tan getting too many freckles and becoming a lobster no matter how hard I tried not to (and I tried really really hard not to get sunburned!).


wednesday started out early because I had to pack. yes, I waited until about 20 minutes before I had to leave to pack, but I just hate it. (let's not even talk about unpacking. that's a whole different story)

but it all worked out and my friend Olivia came and picked me up around 7:30 (our friend Katelyn was going to come too, but she ended up not being able to)

Road trip essentials:

1. Fountain Drinks
2. Red Vine licorice
3. Lots and lots and lots of good music [aka cleverly planned playlists with great names. the names are just as important as the songs]

what can I say- red vines are way better as straws

road trip playlists:
1. must have a cool/ applicable title
2. must have at least one One Direction song

Our 6 1/2 hour drive through all of Alabama turned into an 8 hour drive because it turns out I'm not the only one with the bladder of a baby goat. Olivia has one too. So, 6 stops later (some were for gas and food, but there was always a run to the bathroom) (and it wasn't even because we had big drinks because I didn't even drink half of mine by the time we were done) we were finally ready to take our exit to Milton, Florida. Well....

we might have missed our exit. 

but it's OK!

it only set us back 5 minutes and took us on a very long alternative route on highway 87. ever heard of it? I didn't think so. We and Alabama got to know each other very well

there was road construction...
 ...after road construction...
 ...after road construction...
 ...after road construction.

and this is highway 87 for all you uneducated folk.

but highway 87 did allow for lots of singing with the windows rolled down because the speed limit was only 35...
cute huh?

wednesday night was a barbeque and lots of talking but we were tired from the drive and had a long day at the beach planned the next day


thursday we headed out early for PENSACOLA 

after driving about 20 min we finally saw the ocean! we were a little too excited. the windows came down once again and I tried to hold my breath while we were crossing all of the bridges, but there were too many and my poor lungs couldn't handle it! (you know you're supposed to hold your breath while you drive over bridges)

ocean air is the best!

the only stinky thing about the beach was that there was a storm rolling in that afternoon, so even though it was sunny and nice outside, the waves were "high hazard"- basically really big- and we could only go up to our ankles in the water

isn't the water beautiful?
I think I liked it a little too much...

happy after a morning/ early afternoon at the beach!

we left the beach in the early afternoon and drove 40 min back to Milton, which was perfect timing because it started raining after we left

we cleaned up at home and headed out to the antique shops in Milton- there's like 7 antique shops on one road!

we went to only 2 of them- The Copper Possum and Alyssa's- because they take hours to go through!

We did find some great treasures! 

I got a really cool French phrases book from 1943, a really pretty vintage jacket/ but really a shirt, and the most beautiful teacup in the world. Seriously, what am I going to do with a teacup? I don't know but I had to get it- I mean, look!

beautiful, isn't it? and a steal, let me tell you I love antique shop prices! haha

after dinner Olivia and I went to go see Snow White and the Huntsman

nice eye candy, awesome dresses, and Kristen Stewart actually did a pretty good job. it turned out to be a really good movie

but I think my favorite part of the movie was seeing the Les Miserables trailer on the big screen before the movie. haha

a great and full day and thankfully the weather cooperated! stay tuned for {Part 2} 

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