02 June 2012

holy peanut butter, batman!

So a couple of things:

1. My favorite book, favorite broadway play (even though I've only seen it on dvd) (seeing it on actual broadway is one of my top dreams) (yeah I love it that much), and pretty much favorite thing in the entire world is Les Miserables. I just love everything about it and could go on for hours, but to get to the point, there's going to be a new movie. For the FIRST TIME EVER  (I should get paid for this advertising) (there's already a few movies of the book) the movie is going to be a musical with all of the songs from the broadway play. Yes, I almost peed my pants. But then I saw the cast list: Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe... all great actors, but this is a SINGING MOVIE! I don't think that they can sing. At least I didn't know they could. But then the trailer came out:


honestly, it looks incredible. I have watched the trailer several times, and hearing Anne Hathaway singing isn't too bad, even if it isn't really her singing (don't really know, sounds like her) I think I am going to love it. I just really really hope it isn't rated R because that would break my heart. Oh yeah... 2 other things....
1. Samantha Barks play Eponine, who is my all time favorite character in Les Mis, and she also played Eponine on Broadway (she is in the 25th Anniversary of Les Mis DVD, which is my favorite version!) Yeah. So I know she can sing and will do a fantastic job because she's my favorite Eponine!
2. It comes out ON MY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY DAY! December 14th. Best day ever (obviously) . Just got even better.

Needless to say, I am thuper duper exthited (movie reference, anyone?) for this movie. So excited, in fact, obsessive trailer watching just might ensue.

2. Regina Spektor has a new CD!!!! I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but so far it's quite extraordinary. Plus, this song has french in it and I love french!


and then I like this song too:


3. I love the Great Gatsby. Man, I have a lot of movies to see. Plus it comes out on Christmas. Yeah, almost as good as a movie coming out on my birthday. It has Leo in it, and Carey Mulligan. The colors, the props, the set, the clothes...oh the clothes! And can we just say, holy party. The trailer looks magical.


4. My hands smell like cow poop. Yep, I know you're thinking TMI, but they do and I cannot help it! Mulch looks pretty, but it sure don't smell purty. Dagum! 

5. Oh made this today, pretty proud of it. It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself. I'll show ya how I made it later. And yes, it's a necklace, and my mannequin, Rhonda, is wearing it. 

6. I'M GOING TO THE BEACH ON WEDNESDAY! just a little excited. 

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