09 August 2012

Presidents and Ghosts {trip part 4}

LAST VACATION POST WAHOOO!!! and it took forever for me to do it, but who cares!! WAHOOO! with the olympics and everything, it got kinda side tracked.


Wednesday was hot but we had so much fun walking and walking! (I'm being sarcastic)

capitol building

We went on paddle boats in the river/lake (???) in front of the Jefferson memorial. I got stuck with the two brothers. Jared, of course, kept saying how romantic this was. And he was sitting in the back. And he's my brother. 

mom, dad, rachel and rebekah were in the other boat and there's the Jefferson Memorial!



the Washington Monument and I. We're pretty tight. And it was beautiful that day!

Jefferson Memorial from the water

we took a little break (notice Benjamin's head. on the steering wheel.)

we switched paddlers, but there was no way I was going to let the two of them paddle me around so I got to stay hehehe

Rachel eating cookies. I'm telling you- the best cookies ever. Like the kind you want to just keep stuffing in your mouth over and over again even though you don't need to and there's plenty in your mouth. True story. 

haha dad on the phone

We then walked to the Jefferson Memorial. I took some pretty good pictures, if I do say so myself. Exhibit A on the left. Not so much the one of Tommy. Sorry. 

Around the top of the memorial was a quote I really liked, 
"...I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
-Thomas Jefferson

Pretty good photography Exhibit B:

haha this is a perfect representation of us^

After the Jefferson Memorial, we took 2 metros to Union Station. It was beautiful! Even though it's a train station (I'm pretty sure it's a train station, right?), it's a mall and a huge food court, too. We had a tour for Monuments by Moonlight later that night that started at Union Station, so we stayed there for about an hour and looked around 

Now for our Monuments by Moonlight tour! We thought it was going to have ghost stories and take us to all the monuments at night, but unfortunately there were no ghost stories. boo. but, the tour guide was fantastic and it was really amazing to see everything at night! and we didn't have to walk, we were in a trolley! (we did get out for a few things)

We seriously learned about SO many things (it was a 3 and a half hour tour) I just couldn't get pictures of all of them/ put all the pictures here. We learned what all the buildings were and they were all beautiful!

A senate building (there's like 3 of them!)

Capitol Building

I love this one! The statue and the Washington Monument in the setting sun!

The prettiest Smithsonian.

Oh hey Mr. President

After going through the buildings in D.C., our trolley took us to Arlington Cemetery

And the Iwo Jima Memorial. It was incredible.

Some more pretty buildings. 

We got to get out and see good 'ole Honest Abe. He's always looking at you. I pretty much had to be honest for the next 24 hours after he was staring at me like that.  

It was getting dark, so I got to get some pretty cool pics!

Even though you can't really see if very well, if you look on the left side you can see the names and the top of the wall of the Vietnam War Memorial.

The World War 2 Memorial with all of it's fountains

We then got out again to see the FDR Memorial. He greets you in his wheelchair. The monument is incredible. It has waterfalls and statues. 

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"

We then walked to the Martin Luther King Memorial

"out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope"

and there he is...the stone of hope

the MLK memorial had a huge wall of quotes from him. 

"I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education, and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits."

After the tour, we were pooped (again) and it was like midnight, so we went back to the hotel and drove home thursday! 

Here are my shots of the Washington Monument:

and they're for real. no editing to make the sky look like that. and all of the pictures were taken on the same night! It was beautiful!

I love my country and I was so grateful and blessed to be able to see some of the things that made it great!

except for Boston, but that wasn't this trip. we'll do boston later.

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